Monday, June 30:

Third Generation of al-Qaeda To Be Unleashed.

Osama bin Laden's Group is alive and well, even if their leader's fate remains a mystery:

Roland Jacquard, head of the International Observatory on Terrorism is releasing a report this week to the UN Security Council showing Osama bin Laden sent his third generation of al-Qaeda soldiers away from Afghanistan before U.S.-led forces toppled Kabul's Taliban leadership in November, 2001.

Mr. Jacquard puts the number of these Terror Soldiers at 800. They have spread out over several countries and are acting on their own orders. They do not need a centralized command to guide them. They are all top officers of al-Qaeda.
Mr. Jacquard's Pre-Report(slow link).

Further, these Terror Soldiers have been trained to attack economic and tourist sites. Thus this Fourth of July should see another elevated Terror Alert in the United States.

Just as this report is released, another report made by the Council on Foreign Relations states that nearly two years after the Sept.11 attacks, the United States remains "dangerously unprepared" to handle another catastrophic attack.

The people that put together this report include former White House adviser Richard Clarke, former FBI and CIA director William Webster, former military officials, business leaders and Nobel laureates: Study:Emergency Responders Unprepared.


Charles B. // 9:43 AM


Thursday, June 26:

Financial Terrorism: The Islamic Cleansing Of The Global Financial System.

At the recent World Economic Forum in Jordan, the reconstruction of Iraq and the relationship between Israel and the Palestinians dominated the talks.

One item not mentioned was the Islamic Cleansing Of The Global Financial System.

The people sitting next to the many U.S. dignitaries were exactly the ones that are destroying the value of the U.S. Dollar. And it will get worse.

North Korea started circulating forged U.S. Dollars in the early seventies. They have since become experts at producing the ink, paper (linen-cotton content), and are using the exact same intaglio presses from Switzerland that the U.S. Treasury uses to produce currency.

Fake U.S.$100 bill.

The slight difference that was noticeable two years ago has all but disappeared:

True Dollar --- Fake Dollar

Iran, under Khomeini, started producing counterfeit U.S.$100 dollar bills immediately after the fall of the Shah using printing presses supplied by the United States to the Shah. They then passed the bills through Syria. These State sponsored programs are well documented since the early 1990's, in particular the
Executive Summary report issued in 1992 by the U.S. House Task Force on Terrorism and unconventional Warfare.

Now comes the Russian Central Economic Crimes Department that boasted on June 2, 2003 that Chechnya produces the "best counterfeit dollars" in the world. The Russians further boasted that there are $560 billion counterfeit dollars in circulation in the world.

The U.S. Bureau of Engraving and Printing states that as of July 3, 2000 (the most recent statistics) there is a total of $540 Billion real greenbacks in circulation worldwide. And of this total, $364 Billion are in $100 denominations.

We have Iran, No.Korea, and Chechnya that are following the prohibition under Islamic law of using paper money as a medium of exchange. The preferred method is gold.

As an aside, their is also a strong movement to move international oil revenues away from the U.S. Dollar and to the European Euro Unit which Iraq switched to a few years ago. If this movement toward gold and the Euro (out of spite against the U.S.) is brought to fruition, the dollar is doomed.

The U.S. Treasury and the Secret Service should be forthcoming in telling the American public that their dollar has become nearly worthless with the Super-K notes that are in existence.



Charles B. // 9:22 AM


Monday, June 23:

U.S. To Create New Iraq Army: 12,000 Soldiers Ready Within A Year.

Walter Slocombe, a senior adviser for security and defense for the Bush administration said today that 12,000 soldiers would be trained and ready within one year and up to 40,000 Iraqi soldiers would be ready within three years.

Saddam's military force was 400,000 soldiers before his removal. Fortunately, Ambassador Bremer, Administrator and Coalition Provisional Authority in Iraq, has also deemed fit to pay 250,000 of these soldiers a pension of $50 to $150 per month.

These payments should ease tensions with the ex-military. Still, there are 150,000 soldiers that were in the upper echelon of the former Iraqi military that will receive nothing since Ambassador Bremer dismantled the entire military on May 23rd.

Saddam's former Army:

These ex-soldiers will continue their guerilla warfare against the U.S. presence in Iraq.

These soldiers, thought to be loyal to Saddam, are destitute and desperate. The problem Ambassador Bremer has to address is that most of these ex-soldiers were members of the Baath party simply to be with the "program," so to say. Their only allegiance was to survive and feed thier families.

Ambassador Bremer must also pay the ex-soldiers these promised funds immediately. Most soldiers have been waiting over three months for this promised financial aid.

Ambassador Bremer had the official Arab line thrust down his throat this past weekend at the World Economic Forum which ends today. The Arab view of the entire Iraqi situation can best be summed up by Amre Moussa, the influential Secretary-General of the League of Arab States when he said that a Transitional Government would be better than the U.S. occupying Iraq.
"At the end of the day, Iraq is an Arab country and member of the League of Arab States," Amre Moussa stated at the Jordan Summit.

Washington Post Article: New Iraqi Army


Charles B. // 12:31 PM


Thursday, June 19:

L. Paul Bremer III's Home Away From Home: June 5 & Today, June 19.

Ref.: Blog of June 9.

L.Paul Bremer III, the civilian officer in charge of postwar Iraq, who fired 400,000 Iraqi soldiers in one day at the beginning of June has created chaos in the nation.

This was the scene outside of one of Saddam's Palaces in Baghdad, on June 5, 2003. It is the palace Bremer uses for his operations.

Problems, but controllable.

Fast forward to June 19th., today, same area:

Different, and a fired Iraqi soldier has been killed by U.S. forces.

The ex-soldier had been demanding three months back pay, along with other Iraqi soldiers. Below is his coffin being brought from the morgue into the streets:

Mr. Bremer needs help, and quick.

The U.S. Government has on its Most Urgent To Do List: Israel/Palestine; Afghanistan; Iraq; Iran; No. Korea; AND Homeland Security. As well as fixing the U.S. Economy which is at a crossroads and may fall into deflation.

Also, al-Qaeda is quiet whether anyone realizes it or not. Napoleon plagiarized Sun Tzu when he made his 10 rules of military action, one of which is paraphrased here:

"Without any Intelligence to the contrary, you can be certain that your enemy is doing everything in his power to destroy you."



Charles B. // 9:38 AM


Tuesday, June 17:

45 Days Ago President Bush Declared The End Of Combat Operations In Iraq: Today Counter-Insurgency Rages.

The press is now starting to use Vietnam era words for the U.S. war in Iraq: counter-insurgency, guerilla warfare, weapon counts (not body counts, yet).

Daniel Goure, a Pentagon adviser at the Washington-based Lexington Institute says,"We have been operating on two assumptions: that once the war (in Iraq) was over the Iraqis would rapidly move into peaceful mode, and second, that there would be a new political and economic spirit in the country. We discovered neither of these assumptions is true."

This is why the U.S. military is fast becoming the "offensive liberator" as the editor, Mr. Fawzi Shafi, of a new weekly newspaper in Fallujah, Iraq is calling the U.S. Army. You can see why:

The U.S. Army is going door to door searching for weapons. Then handcuffing, blindfolding and detaining men as you see in the above photo taken last night. It was a raid conducted by the U.S. Army's 1st. Armored Division 1st. Brigade in a Baghdad neighborhood.

Again, thanks to the hard work of the reporters at AsiaTimes and their wealth of human intelligence information:
Liberators to Oppressors?


Charles B. // 1:12 PM


Saturday, June 14:

U.S. Negotiating With Taliban: Taliban Refuses To Remove Mullah Omar.

That's Right! The situation in Afghanistan has deteriorated to such a point that the U.S. and Pakistan Intelligence Officials are negotiating with the Taliban to give them a place in the government that they through them out of. Are you following this?

The U.S. had 4 points necessary for reconciliation before allowing the Taliban to have any role in the Kabul government. The Taliban immediately rejected the first point: Mullah Omar must be removed as Supreme Leader of the Taliban. The other points Team Taliban was more flexible on. And that was the end of the meeting. More to come since the U.S. started the talks. U.S. soldiers are taking a beating in Afghanistan. Enough said.

Let's talk about this Holy Man:

He's called the "Mad Mullah," by western media. He "apparently" suffers from wild,wild mood swings since shrapnel lodged in his brain in 1989 during a Russian rocket attack. And, yes, that is how he lost his eye. Legend has it that he gouged out the useless eye and threw it on the floor. Since then, he's refused to have a brain scan(I'm letting the reader fill in allllll the jokes here!).

The fits, or brain seizures, Mullah Omar has, during which he babbles incomprehensibly, have long been interpreted as a sign of mythical status.
Followers maintain that he is having holy visions and receiving instructions for creating a pure Islamic state.
Naturally Omar tends to issue his most controversial edicts after such seizures, including the prohibition of kite-flying, football, and music.

Mullah Omar, according to a physician that treats him and wishes to remain anonymous, is becoming more childlike in his behavior and often sits in the driving seat of one of his Japanese vehicles, turning the wheel and making engine noises.

So, does America have a problem in Afghanistan? Read:
U.S. meets Team Taliban.



Charles B. // 12:45 PM


Thursday, June 12:

Polar Bear Attracted To Seawolf-class Attack Submarine At North Pole: Too Funny Action Caught On Periscope!!!

The USS Connecticut surfaced and broke through the ice near the North Pole. The polar bear caught in the three photos below was attracted by the hole which can be used for food.

After 40 minutes, the bear left the area, with no damage to the sub or the bear. AND NO COCA COLA!!!

You can download and get high resolution photos at:
Polar Bear Meets Sub.

Great story to take one's mind off of world's events!!



Charles B. // 12:59 PM


Wednesday, June 11:

Saddam Hussein Is Alive, Flush With $1.3 Billion Cash, And Bent On Revenge!

Saddam is offering money to anyone who kills a U.S. soldier.

The ex-dictator has been spotted north of Baghdad according to Ahmed Chalabi, head of the London-based Iraqi National Congress. Chalabi, who's been touted in some U.S. government circles as a future Iraqi leader said Saddam has been seen recently moving in an arc northeast of Baghdad, around the Tigris River, toward his hometown of Tikrit.

Chalabis said U.S. soldiers are "sitting ducks for terrorists" in their armored vehicles.

Saddam Alive & Angry.


Charles B. // 11:32 AM


Tuesday, June 10:

U.S. Tries To Avoid International Criminal Court Another Year.

The U.N. Security Council is coming under pressure to reject Wasington's upcoming request to exempt all its soldiers and officials from the jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court (ICC) for a second straight year.

Last year, Washington asked the Security Council to approve a complete, indefinite exemption from the Court's jurisdiction for U.S. nationals.

After two weeks of intense and bitter negotiations, the two sides compromised by approving a resolution that granted an exemption of one year for all individuals from countries that had not ratified the Rome Statute.

Unfortunately for Tony Blair, Great Britain signed the Rome Statute and it looks like Mr. Blair may be dragged in front of the ICC for war crimes against humanity in the not too distant future.

Not so for President Bush or any of the U.S. Military, so far.

Above The Law!


Charles B. // 1:37 PM


Monday, June 9:

400,000 Fired Iraqi Military To Attack U.S. Forces Starting This Week.

Ultimatum To U.S. Authorities: Reverse Decision Dismissing Iraqi Army en masse, or face organized attacks.

L. Paul Bremer III, the civilian official in charge of postwar Iraq, last week decided to dissolve the Iraqi military as a necessary step in the road to refashioning Iraq.

His sanity must be called into question. He dismissed 400,000 heavily armed people. Took away any hope of their feeding their families. And thinks everything will be fine. The U.S. has only
125,000 soldiers, at most, in the area. There is no way the U.S. Government can bring back any Air Support to the Persian Gulf for a long time.

We dropped 20,000 precision guided bombs on Iraq, roughly US$40 Billion worth. The U.S. has zip in its arsenal right now. Our entire air fleet is being overhauled.

So, Mr. Bremer the III is going to have to cope with what one dismissed Iraqi calls the Armed Front Against the Occupation.

I can go on and on but the article in the Christian Science Monitor with its piercing interviews with members of the dismissed military tells the story: Military Dismissed; Now Resolved.


Charles B. // 8:58 AM


Saturday, June 7:

Saddam Thought He Was Buying Weapons; But It Was Sand!

The man who headed So. Africa's Chemical & Biological Warfare Program in apartheid days said Thursday that after the Gulf War of 1991 Saddam tried to rebuild his arsenal.

His Office picked up Saddam's orders and requests that were sent out all over the world looking for raw materials, but the sanctions were so tight on him that he was scammed.

The "ingredients, chemicals, constituents, and electronics that Saddam ordered and paid for arrived in.... containers full of sand.....ultimately they (Iraq) just gave up and realized under their circumstances it (rebuilding their arsenal) is not going to work for them," Mr. Basson told the Pretoria Press Club.

Just what a crazed dictator needs in the middle of the desert: MORE SAND.


Charles B. // 11:37 AM


Thursday, June 5:

"Fluffy," The Iraqi German Shepherd, Retires To Fort Bragg, N.C., After Guarding U.S. Special Forces.

Ref.: Blog of May 30

Fluffy arrived in the U.S. on May 30th. aboard a C-17 Globemaster III, after putting his life on the line to guard U.S. Special Forces.

Fluffy, from Northern Iraq and with visible scars from mistreatment by his former Iraqi owners, is retiring to Fort Bragg, N.C., the home of the "Green Berets," as an honorary military working dog.

Fluffy is eager for retirement. Though he did not like the takeoff and landing much, he is happy on U.S. soil and was greeted at the flightline by his supporters who sent hundreds of e-mails, letters and made phone calls supporting his safe immigration to the United States.

Fresh Start For Fluffy.

Best wishes to Fuffy,

Charles B. // 12:23 PM


Wednesday, June 4:

Cruise Missile: Being Built For Under US$5,000!

It's True. A New Zealand home handyman is going to prove to the US Government that the Cruise Missile is just the same as those $800 toilets the Yanks purchased, or the $250 wrenches. Etc. Etc.

And he's letting the world follow him each step of the way at:

Bruce Simpson's activities are , naturally, attracting official interest, now that he has test fired several jet engines.

His rationale is simple. He was challenged by US military experts over his claim the missile could easily be built.

Again, the military should stay out of trying to challenge private business. There is no contest!

Do-It-Yourself Cruise Missile.

Never know when you'll need one!


Charles B. // 11:27 AM


Tuesday, June 3:

AL-Qaeda Ready To Use Nukes, Says CIA

In an internal report last month, the CIA stated coming attacks by al-qaeda will be "small-scale, incorporating relatively crude delivery means and (using) easily produced or obtained chemicals, toxins, or radiological substances."

The report, now unclassified, is 4 pages long and was produced by the CIA's intelligence directorate. It's entitled: "Terrorist CBRN: Materials and Effects."

Let's get used to hearing CBRN. It stands for: Chemical; Biological; Radiological; Nuclear.

The Government is gearing up already for the 4th. of July week-end to scare the hell out of America; as it did on Memorial Day week-end.

Who is heading the homeland scaremonger project at the CIA? I'd put my money on
Jami Miscik. She's Head of the Directorate of Intelligence.

But, then again, most in D.C. are caught up in the beltway loop and can't get out of it.

Big problem for the Country.

Al-Qaeda's Coming For The 4th. of July.


Charles B. // 10:23 AM


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