IED'S JAMMER JAMMING COMMUNICATIONS; PROBLEM CAN BE SOLVED THROUGH "BACK TO THE FUTURE" TECHNOLOGY.The message was quite clear on the front page of the January 23rd. edition of USA Today, the U.S. military has a jamming problem. Their Remote Controlled Improvised Explosive Device (RIED) jammer is also jamming soldiers' communications equipment.
IED Jammer Vehicle
The Pentagon was quite clear that it needs the problem solved and put out an all out directive to all contractors to find a solution to the problem, very fast!
Having been a Ham Radio Operator with a General class license, the solution seems to use vacuum tube technology, first discovered in the early 1900's.
This technology uses a clear, distortion free signal that will not be interfered with with today's solid state circuitry. In particular Large Scale Integrated Circuit Technology (LSIC). A return to the past to solved the future's problem, that problem being today's future, if you get my point.
Vacuum Tube Technology
IED Jammer Problem.
Vacuum Tube History.